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Camp Spot

Canyon Camping

Paria River, UT

"After hiking all day through Buckskin Gulch with little to no water, we stumbled up this bank to find an amazing campsite nestled high up in the canyon.

On the Paria River, flash floods are an ever-present danger and sleeping out of their reach is an important factor when choosing a site."

-Jason Domogalla @jomogalla

Gear List:

Tent - Black Diamond Mesa

Headlamp - Petzl Tikka XP

Reflection Canyon

The challenging journey into Reflection Canyon tops off with unrestricted ledge tentspots deep in the Utah backcountry.

Camping Among The Grand

The views of Grand Teton from Curtis Canyon is one of the reasons Wyoming is a hotspot for camping.

Milky Way at Crater Lake

Shane took this time-lapse as the Milky Way made a full appearance over his camp spot above Crater Lake.