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"After everyone went off to their tents nestled in the trees, Patches and I talked for a while as we watched the sun sink behind a black silhouette of mountains set in front of a flaming sky that slowly dimmed to darkness.

Venus and Jupiter were the first to pierce the fresh pallet of dark blue, and moments later the sky became silver with stars.

I spotted the constellations - Leo and Virgo - which happened to be mine and Patches's astrological signs - a magical way to end the day."

-Linn Daugherty @TheBraceletSlinger


Columbia Hills

Colorful campspots are a plenty in the Columbia Hills of Eastern Washington.

Sleepless Night on Mount Price

Garibaldi Provincial Park is home to camping on past volcanoes such as Mount Price.

Garibaldi Lake

Camping with friends is always an enjoyable experience at Garibaldi Lake in British Columbia.