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"The weather called for severe thunderstorms and average temperatures of sixty degrees on top of the mountain at Black Balsam Knob. Upon arrival, the skies parted and the clouds slowly dissipated.
I hiked a mile up to the highest peak on top of the knob, which is more of a bald created by previous fires that have burned away all evidence of trees and brush.
The weather was still threatening rain and there was a twenty degree difference between where I parked and where I was considering camping, with the wind whipping at thirty miles an hour and thirty five degree weather with wind chill.
After a short walk around the top of the knob I decided that I had come too far to turn back and I decided to set up my tent. The sunset immediately let me know I had made the right decision.
It was one of the most stunning displays of light I've ever witnessed with the Blue Ridge Mountains reflecting their blueish hue in the background. Coyotes called to one another in the hills as the sun went down, and then something amazing happened.
The lights from distant Asheville, NC began to appear in the distance. First, they were faint, but as the night wore on they became brighter and more distinct.
It was one of the most spectacular sights I've seen and I would recommend this spot to anyone in search of a scenic vista. After midnight, the wind laid down, the stars became more prominent, and I became camera happy with the natural beauty that lay before me."
Gear List:
Tent - The North Face
Camera - Canon 5DMKIII
South Sister Summit
Another incredible shot of the Milky Way taken from a camp spot within the Oregon Cascades.
Stop Fighting
What you can’t see in this gorgeous camp spot in Cherokee National Forest are the chilly, gusty winds that almost prevented Mason from grabbing this beautiful sunrise.
The Mittens
Camping in Monument Valley puts you in the front row to enormous rock features, cliffs, and the famous pair of buttes with “thumb” outcrops known as The Mittens.