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Camp Spot

Rainier Road

Mt. Rainer, WA

"It was the first trip in my new VW '88 Westfalia and I drove towards Mt Rainier on my way down to Portland. Decided to take a random dirt road and camp for the night as I'd never slept in it before.

Pulled to the side of the road above a valley of clouds and watched the Milky Way from my new living room!"

-Joel Schat @joelschat


Karelian Isthmus

Be prepared for thick forests and moss covered trees when camping on the Karelian Isthmus.

Todos Santos

The reward for ultra-light packing means on-demand immaculate skies, like seen here at Todos Santos in Baja California.

Panorama Ridge

A campspot just under 7000ft at Panorama Ridge in Garibaldi Provincial Park.